Monday, August 07, 2006



One part personal insight

One part cultural phenomenon

3 cherries

A stiff shot of reality

Shake vigorously and serve chilled!!!!

Top Shelf!! Beautiful moment of the day

There is always beauty in the everyday... I plan on putting a new inspiring image up here on a weekly basis. Feel free to contact me if you have an image that illustrates why the everyday can be extraordinary!

Make Mine a Double!!! Exciting link/challenge of the day... Visit http://url/ Entertainment Magazine just did a story on this fella Bob Kosberg. The idea is to send in your ideas for a movie and see if he can sell the rights for you! Perfect if you are one of those people who is always thinking now this... this... would make a great movie. If you get intimidated think of all the stinky movies that are getting made all the time !!